Implicit Cost Calculator – Maximize Business Profits Through Hidden Cost Analysis

Discover our Implicit Cost Calculator to uncover hidden expenses affecting your business. Maximize profits through detailed analysis and smart financial decisions today!


How educational inequality affects family multichild behavior—evidence from super high schools

Unit root test To avoid spurious regression due to the nonstationarity of the data, a stationarity test of the variables was performed using the ADF unit root test method, and the test results are shown in Table 2. Table 2…

Key insights about bid-ask spread costs

The faster and easier these securities are traded, the greater the liquidity and the slimmer the spread between the two prices. The opposite is also true. In an ETF with widely traded underlying securities that tracks large market indexes, such…

How rate increases could impact debt ratios in the euro area’s most-indebted countries

Spreads versus German yields for the euro-area countries with the highest debt-to-GDP ratios have increased significantly since September 2021. Even if spreads are not yet at the worrying levels of previous stress episodes (and have decreased since the European Central…

The double-edged sword of export bans on critical metals

Restrictions and bans on exports of metals critical for the world’s green transition are gaining traction but could be a double-edged sword. Indonesia imposed a ban on nickel ore exports in 2013 and 2020, and Zimbabwe’s on chromium in 2021….

Priips KID transaction cost disclosure requirements needs action now: Efa

The EU’s new packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (Priips) regulation mandates detailed disclosure of transaction costs in key information documents for the undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (Ucits) funds and alternative investment funds (AIFs), requiring significant data…

Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost and the PPF Graph

If you run a small business and decide to pursue one project, you may not have the money, labor, and time for another. If that’s the case, you’re confronting the economic principle known as opportunity cost. The further you pursue…